New Publications

Midwifery Notes of Madam He Chen(Chinese translation with interpretation)
Publication Date / 2016-05-17 Author / Shi-yung Liu & The Research Team Category / Historical Source Material Series
Midwifery Notes of Madam He Chen(Chinese translation with interpretation)
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
Publication Date / 2016-05
ISBN(Hardpack) 9789860484953
NTD 600
Pages / 359 

This three-volume series contains study notes of a Taiwanese midwife in 1930s. The notes’ author is Madam Chen He (1904-1990), wife of the agrarian activist Jian Ji (1903-1951). While her husband was devoted in the Taiwan Farmer’s Union, in order to support her family, she enrolled to the Midwife Training School of the Tainan Hospital and later became a respected midwife. The book offers a peek into the history of the Japanese government’s effort in promoting medical services and the progress of modern medical training in Taiwan. 
