
蔡慧玉 研究員
  • 美國哥倫比亞大學歷史學博士
  • 日治臺灣史、中國近代社會經濟史
專書寫作(Book Manuscripts)
Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai, 2008, Taiwan in Japan’s Empire-Building: An institutional approach to colonial engineering(由 UK:Routledge and Academia Sinica聯合出版)。
專書(論文集)之一章(Book Chapters)
 Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai (2007,即將出版). “Administration, Assimilation, and Ambivalence: “Improved Treatment” (shogū kaizen) in Wartime Taiwan, 1944,” 預定收入《民族認同與文化交融》(嘉義﹕國立中正大學臺灣人文研究中心)。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai, 2006, “Shaping Administration in Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1945,” in Taiwan under Japanese Rule, 1895-1945: History, Culture, Memory (New York: Columbia University), ed. Liao Ping-hui and David Derwei Wang, 97-121.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai, 2005, “Total War, Labor Drafts, and Colonial Administration: Wartime Mobilization in Taiwan (1936-1945),” in Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese Empire, ed. Paul H. Kratoska (New York: M. E. Sharpe), 101-126, 365-372.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai, 2000, “The War Never Ended: The Case of Taiwanese-Japanese Soldiers,” in China in the Anti-Japanese War, 1937-1945: Politics, Culture, and Society, ed. David P. Barrett and Larry N. Shyu (New York: Peter Lang), 207-228.

蔡慧玉。送審中。「殖民行政的形塑」〔The Shaping of (Japan’s) Colonial Administration in Taiwan〕,21 pp.

蔡慧玉。送審中。「公文例規:以殖民地臺灣的行政法令為例」〔Official Archives and Established Rules: A Case Study of the Administrative laws and by-laws of Taiwan under Japanese Rule〕,25 pp.

蔡慧玉 (特約邀稿,預定2007年出版)。〈日治臺灣俸給令研究〉〔The Study of Salary-Related Legal Codes in Taiwan under Japanese Rule〕,《地方史研究》(嘉義﹕國立中正大學臺灣人文研究中心) 56 pp.

蔡慧玉。排版中。〈日本、朝鮮和臺灣三地農家小組合的動員整編﹕以一九三○年代農村振興運動為例〉〔Wartime Mobilization of Agricultural Unions in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan: The Case of the Village Revitalization Movement of the 1930s〕,《地方菁英與臺灣農民運動國際學術研討會專書》,中央研究院臺灣史研究所專書;審查通過,即將刊登。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2004. “Invoking Neighborhood: A Relational Perspective of Tonarigumi in Taiwan, Java, and Japan (1940-1945),” IAHA 2000: Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia, Volume 1 (Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2003), ed. Ahmat Adam and Lai Yew Meng, 69-81.

蔡慧玉。2003。〈日本軍政、地域組織與爪哇奉公會:戰爭動員之比較研究〉〔The Japanese Military Administration, Local Organizations and Java H?k?kai:A Comparative Study of Wartime Mobilization〕〕,中央研究院亞太區域研究專題中心〔Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS)〕「東南亞研究論文系列」,No. 59. 臺北:中央研究院亞太區域研究專題中心;51 pp。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 1999. “Politics of Memory and History: Shūsen in Japanese Apologetic Historiography,” Information Service for East Asian Research (ISEAR) Occasional Paper, No. 8. Taipei: PROSEA (Program for Southeast Asian Area Studies), Academia Sinica, 29 pp.

蔡慧玉。1998 [2000年4月出刊]。〈一九三O年代臺灣基層行政的空間結構分析:以「農事實行組合」為例〉〔A spatial analysis of basic administrative units, Taiwan in the 1930s: the case of "agricultural implementation associations"〕,《臺灣史研究》5 卷2期(12月),頁55-100。

蔡慧玉。1996 [1998年6月出刊]。〈日治臺灣街庄行政(1920-1945)的編制與運作:街庄行政相關名詞之探討〉,《臺灣史研究》3卷2期(12月),頁93-141。 
學術會議論文(Conference Papers)
蔡慧玉。2007年。〈論述模式、帝國人流與殖民行政﹕臺灣與朝鮮的比較研究〉〔Discourses and Models, Empire Circulations of Officials in the Civil Service, and Colonial Administration: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Korea〕,「日本對朝鮮、臺灣的統治和殖民地官僚」國際研究會,國際日本文化研究中心,京都,日本,2月13日 - 15日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2006. “The 1901 Reform of the Police System: Notes on the Local Administration of Colonial Taiwan in the Early Years of Japanese Rule,” paper presented at the Conference on “Crime, Law and Order in the Japanese Empire, 1895-1945,” the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 14-15.

蔡慧玉. 2006年。〈官制、俸給法令與日治臺灣的殖民行政〉〔(Prewar Japan’s) Bureaucratic System, Salary-Related Legal Codes, and Japan’s Colonial Administration in Taiwan〕,2006亞太區域研究成果發表會,中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心,臺北,7月21日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2006. “Colonial Governance in Taiwan under Japanese Rule, 1895-1945: With Specific Notes on Wartime Taiwan in Modern Japan’s Empire-Making,” “Globalization, Empire, and Imperialism in Historical Perspective,” the 5th bi-annual conference of the Historical Society, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, June 1-4.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2006年。“War, Ichigenka, and Wartime Taiwan, 1941-1945,”「戰爭與現代性」小型研討會,東海大學,臺中, 5月13日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2005年。“Total War, Ichigenka, and Japan’s Colonial Empire: Wartime Taiwan, 1941-45,”「東南亞及太平洋研究的新領域」國際學術研討會 (New Frontier of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies),中央研究院亞太區域研究專題中心,臺北,11月24日 - 25日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2005. “Memories and Narrations of the Japanese Colonial Period: Colonial Rule, Wartime Mobilization and Taiwanese Identity,” paper presented at「集體暴力及其記述:1000-2000年間東亞的戰爭記憶、頌讚和創傷」國際學術研討會,臺灣大學歷史學系,臺北,7月28日 - 29日。

蔡慧玉。2005年。〈三十年代臺灣農家小組合初探:兼論日本帝國的「農山漁村經濟更生運動」〉〔A Preliminary Study on the Agricultural Unions of the 1930s: Comments on Empire Japan’s “Village Revitalization Movement”〕,「地方菁英與臺灣農民運動」國際學術研討會,中央研究院臺灣史研究所,臺北,7月13日 - 14日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2004. “Assimilation in Japan’s Empire-Building and the Politics of Similarity, with Particular Notes on Wartime Taiwan,” paper presented at the 18th International Conference of the Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, December 6-10.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2004. “Memories and Narrations: Surveys on the Hok? System in Taiwan under Japanese Rule,” paper presented at the 6th International Biennial Conference, Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WW-II in Asia, Beijing, China, September 18-19.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2004. “War, Labor, and Administration: Wartime Mobilization in Colonial Taiwan (1936-1945),” paper presented at the International Conference of “As China Meets the World: China’s Changing Position in the International Community, 1840-2000,” University of Vienna and the Historical Society for 20th Century China, Vienna, Austria, May 17-20.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2004. “Total War, Ichigenka, and Colonial Administration: Wartime Taiwan, 1941-1945,” paper presented at the Conference on “Empire & Imperial Culture,” California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA, February 26-28.

蔡慧玉。2003年。〈Dōka, Kyōka and Kōminka: Total War and Colonial Integration in Taiwan, 1940-45〉,「漢化、胡化、洋化:中國歷史文化的質變與多元性格」國際學術研討會,中正大學歷史學系,嘉義,12月12 - 13日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. Aug. 9-12, 2001. “Shaping village administration in colonial Taiwan: from ‘buraku’ to burakukai,” Second International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 2). Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2003. “Total War, Labor Drafts, and Colonial Administration: Wartime Mobilization in Taiwan (1936-1945),” paper presented at the 45th American Association for Chinese Studies (AACS), Franklin College, Indiana, USA, October 24-26

Hui-yu Carolin Ts’ai. 2003. “Total War, ‘Modernity’ and the ‘Sphere’ as a Discourse,” paper presented at the 7th Annual Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ), Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, June 21-22.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2002. “Total war, Labor Drafts, and Colonial Governmentality: Wartime Mobilization in Taiwan (1931-1945),” paper presented at the 17th International Conference of the Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 18-22.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2002. “Total War, Bureaucratic Rationality, and Colonial Governmentality: Ichigenka as a Historical Discourse, 1940-1945,” paper presented at the 51st MCAA (Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs) Annual Meeting, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, USA, September 27-29.

蔡慧玉。2002年。〈殖民體制、殖民地現代性和制約化主體性:以日治臺灣的官僚行政為例〉〔Colonial Bureaucracy, Colonial Modernity, and Disciplinary Subjectivity: A Case Study of the Bureaucratic Administration in Colonial Taiwan〕,「區域研究與社會科學的對話:對亞太研究未來方向的啟示」國際研討會,中央研究院亞太研究計劃,臺北,4月30日 - 5月1日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2002. “Colonial Bureaucracy, Bounded Networks and Colonial Subjectivity: Shaping Administration in Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1945,” paper presented at International Conference on “Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895-1945: History, Culture, Memory.” Columbia University, New York, USA, March 29-30.

蔡慧玉。2002年。〈日本軍政、行政網絡與戰爭動員:從比較研究的視角分析爪哇奉公會(1944-1945)〉〔Japanese Military Administration, Administrative Networkings, and Wartime Mobilization: A Comparative Study of Java H?k?kai〕,「九十年度東南亞暨東北亞區域研究成果發表會」,中央研究院亞太研究計劃,臺北,3月13日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. September 23, 1994. “Taiwanese identity as recollected, reinvoked, and reinvented: Findings of questionnaire investigations on Taiwanese elders, 1992-94,” Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Macomb, Illinois, USA.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2001. “Shaping Village Administration in Colonial Taiwan: From ‘Buraku’ to Burakukai,” paper presented at the Second International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 2). Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 9-12.

蔡慧玉。2001年。〈日治臺灣職官制的法令基礎:兼論量化的迷思〉〔The Legal Basis of the Bureaucratic System of Taiwan Under Japanese Rule: On the Myth of Quantitative Methods〕,「國家科學委員會臺灣史專題研究計畫成果發表研討會」,中央研究院,臺北,6月28日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2001. “The Decade of ‘Uneventfulness,’ Taiwan (1941-1951): From Hokō to Linli,” paper presented at the International Conference on “Reinterpreting Twentieth Century China: New Perspectives,” paper presented at the Historical Society for 20th Century China in North America (HSTCC), Baptist University, Hong Kong, June 7.

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 2000. “Examining Japan at War: Tonarigumi in Java, Taiwan, and Japan (1940-1945),” paper presented at the 16th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA), Sabah, Malaysia, July 28.

蔡慧玉。1999年。〈一九三O年代臺灣的「農事實行組合」〉〔The “Agricultural Implementation Unions in Taiwan during the 1930s〕,「臺灣合作運動」史學術研討會,逢甲大學,臺中,12月4日。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. 1998. “Politics of Memory and History: Sh?sen in Japanese Apologetic Historiography,” paper presented at the 15th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 29. 
口述歷史(Oral History, Articles Only)

蔡慧玉。2005。〈陳春木先生訪問紀錄:第一部份〉、〈陳春木先生訪問紀錄:第二部份〉、〈陳春木先生訪問紀錄:第三部份〉〔Chen Chunmu xiansheng fangwen jilu〔Oral History of Mr. Ch’en Ch’un-mu, Part I, II, & III〕,《陳春木先生紀念文集》〔Essays in memory of Mr. Ch’en Ch’un-mu〕,葉春榮、黃文博編(新營:臺南縣政府),頁3-28。

蔡慧玉。2005。〈余德春先生訪問紀錄〉〔Chen Chunmu xiansheng fangwen jilu(Oral history of Mr. Ch’en Ch’un-mu)〕,《陳春木先生紀念文集》〔Essays in memory of Mr. Ch’en Ch’un-mu〕(新營:臺南縣政府),頁41-44。 
研究報告(Research Reports)

蔡慧玉。2004年1月27日。「日治臺灣的「官治行政」: 以臺灣總督府《府報》、《職員錄》和《法令輯覽》為例」〔Japan’s Colonial “Bureaucratic Administration” in Taiwan: A Case Study of Fupō , Shokuinroku, and H?rei Shuran of Taiwan S?tokufu〕,中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,臺北。

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai. December 12, 2000. “Brokering ‘Universal Harmony’: Neighborhood Organizations in Taiwan, Java, and Japan,” lecture presented at the London China Seminar on Taiwan, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK.

蔡慧玉。1999年3月5日。〈日本統治下臺灣の街庄行政:明治日本の地方制度について〉〔The township administration in Taiwan under Japanese rule: on the local system of Meiji Japan, "Nihon Tō ji ka Taiwan no gaishō gyōsei: Meiji Nihon no chih? seido ni tsuite〕,立命館大學,京都,日本。

蔡慧玉。1998年5月23日。〈淺談日治時代的街庄行政〉〔A Survey on Village Administration of Taiwan under Japanese Rule〕,「臺灣地方制度」學術研討會,陳林法學基金會,臺北。  
學術書評(Book Reviews)
蔡慧玉。2005。〈評費〔Steven E. Philips〕著Between Assimilation and Independence: The Taiwanese Encounter Nationalist China, 1945-1950 (介於同化與獨立之間:臺灣人所知道的中華民國,1945-1950),《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》(臺北:中央研究院近代史研究所),第50期(12月),頁287-293。

蔡慧玉。2002。〈評介李羅耀 (Loyd E. Lee) 編《綜論第二次世界大戰及戰後的亞洲與太平洋:文獻和研究手冊》(World War II in Asia and the Pacific and the War’s Aftermath, with General Themes: A Handbook of Literature and Research)〉,收於《中國現代史書評選集》(臺北:國史館),第25集。

蔡慧玉。2001。〈評張格物〔Murray A. Rubinstein〕編《新臺灣史》(Taiwan: A New History)〉,收於《國史館館刊》復刊第30期,頁131-139;原文刊在《中國現代史書評選集》(臺北:國史館),第24集,頁377-392。

蔡慧玉。2000。〈評介楊露誼(Louise Young)著《日本的「總體帝國」:滿洲國與戰時帝國主義的文化》(Japan’s ‘Total Empire’: Manchuria and the Culture of Wartime Imperialism)〉,收入《中國現代史書評選集》(臺北:國史館),第23集,頁377-392。

國科會專書研究獎助〔NSC book Manuscript Research Grant〕,2005年8月-2006年7月,國家科學委員會

純智文教基金會〔Ch’un-chih Cultural Foundation〕, Research grant, Summer Kambun Workshop, Columbia University, New York City, USA, August 2006.

國科會2005年度「科學與技術人員國外短期研究」〔NSC Short-Term Overseas Research〕,University of Washington (Seattle, USA),2006年12月-2007年4月,國家科學委員會

國科會專題研究獎助〔NSC Research Projects〕,2005年8月-2006年7月,國家科學委員會

中研院亞太區域研究專題中心〔AS Center for Asia Pacific Area Studies,CAPAS〕,2003-2006年1-12月,中央研究院

中央研究院學術合作計劃〔AS Academic Exchange Program〕,May-June 2004, L’ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Academia Sinica (Taiwan) & EHESS (France)

中研院亞太研究計劃〔Area for Pacific Research Program,APARP〕,2002年1-12月,中央研究院

中研院東南亞區域研究計畫 (Program for Southeast Asian Area Studies, PROSEA),1997年7月-2001年12月,中央研究院

中研院院方主題研究計畫〔AS Thematic Research Grants〕,1999年7月-2001年6月,中央研究院

中央研究院學術合作計劃〔AS Academic Exchange Program〕,Nissan Institute, University of Oxford, Nov.-Dec. 2000, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) & British Academy (UK)

國科會研究成果獎助〔NSC Research Achievements〕,1993年8月-2001年7月,國家科學委員會

國科會研究專題研究獎助〔NSC Research Projects〕,1992年8月-2000年7月,國家科學委員會

日台交流協會研究獎助〔JTEC Historical Research Grant〕,東京大學〔Tokyo University〕,October 1998 - March 1999, 日台交流協會〔Japan-Taiwan Exchange Center〕(Japan)
學術服務(Academic Services)

週二演講主持人〔Monthly Seminar Organizer〕(2006/1-2006/12; 1995/8-1996/1),學術研討會〔Academic Workshop〕,中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,臺北。

口述歷史委員,口述歷史委員會委員〔Oral History, Committee member〕,2002/8-2008/12,中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,臺北。

管理委員〔Management Committee Member〕(2002/10/1-2006/9/30),活動中心管理委員會〔Management Committee of Activities Center〕,中央研究院,臺北。

Board of Directors (2005- ), editor, Journal of Taiwan Studies (Forthcoming); Publisher: M. E. Sharpe Inc.

執行秘書〔Organizing Committee, executive secretary〕(2003/1-2004/12), the18th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA, 12/6-12/10, 2004), Academia Sinica, Taipei.


“Imperialism and After,” Co-organizer (2003- ), with Mark Selden, thematic panels at the 18th IAHA, December 6-10, 2004.

論文審查委員,國際會議:NATSA (North American Taiwan Studies Association) conferences, 2004 & 2006; The 18th (2004) IAHA.

升等審查人〔Tenure evaluation〕: 教育部〔Board of Education〕, 2003.

基金會審查人〔Grant evaluation〕:國科會〔National Science Foundation〕, 2001-2004.

期刊論文審查人〔Reader〕: Journal of Asian Studies (2003);國史館館刊(新)〔The Academia Historica Journal, New Series〕, 2002; 《台灣史研究》〔Taiwanshi yanjiu〕1995-2003.

圖書委員〔Library, Committee member〕,2002/8-2004/7,中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,臺北。

出版審查委員會委員〔Member, Publications Review Committee〕,《臺灣史研究》,2001-2,中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,臺北。

執行編輯〔Executive Editor〕,《台灣史研究》,vols. 2 (1995-96) & 9 (2001-02)。

環境美化常務委員〔Board of Directors〕(2000/1/1-2001/12/31),院區環境美化委員會〔Committee of AS Campus Environmental Improvement〕,中央研究院,臺北。

口述歷史大會籌備委員〔Member, Organizing Committee〕,「第六屆全國口述歷史大會」〔Workshop on the 6th National Conference on Oral History〕(1997/12/5) 中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,臺北。

檔案整理〔Annotating Archives〕(1998/7),台灣總督府公文類纂目錄編纂計劃〔Index Annotating Project of the Archives of the Government-General of Taiwan〕,台灣省文獻委員會與日本中京大學〔Historical Research Commission of Taiwan Province and Chūkyō University, Japan〕,中興新村〔Chung-hsing New Village〕,南投〔Nantou〕。

Board of Directors (1996/4-1998/4), Historical Society for Twentieth Century China (HSTCC), U.S.A. 