
Kuo Meng-yang's Memory of his Son-in-law: Biography of Yeh Sheng-ji and Family Stories
Publication Date / 2022-04-29 Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.) Category / Historical Source Material Series
Kuo Meng-yang's Memory of his Son-in-law: Biography of Yeh Sheng-ji and Family Stories
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition 
Price / NTD 600 (hardback)

This book contains the Chinese translation of three book manuscripts by Kuo Meng-yang (1903-1954) on Yeh Sheng-chi, a White Terror victim and his son-in-Law, between December 1950 and October 1954. It covers Yeh’s biography, reminiscence about Yeh, difficulties in taking care of Yeh’s widow and son, and sufferings of the surviving family members. Previous researches and archival materials on White Terror usually focus on the direct victims, and the sufferings of their family receive little attention. In addition, the surviving family members tended to keep silent under close police surveillance at the time. Unlike interviews conducted after the lift of martial law, this book is a rare record kept by a surviving family member of a White Terror victim in the aftermath of the tragedy. It is also an important historical material to understand the papers of Yeh Sheng-chi and history of White Terror.
