
Centennial Retrospective: Oral History of Taipei Third Girl’s High School Alumni
Publication Date / 2023-08-11 Author / Wen-Liang Tseng Category / Oral History
Centennial Retrospective: Oral History of Taipei Third Girl’s High School Alumni
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 978-626-7341-27-8
Price / NTD 700
Pages / 341

This oral history work contains interviews with seven alumni of Taipei Third Girl’s High School (now Taipei Municipal Zhong Shan Girls High School), the most attended prestigious school by Taiwanese female students during Japanese colonial period. The graduates, who were smart enough to pass the entrance exam and received good education, were sought after in both job and marriage market. Many of them have fared well in marriage and accomplished in work. The interviews cover their early life, education, marriage, and work experience during Japanese rule and post-war years.
