Publication Date / 2024-12-31
Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu
Category / Oral History
Things about Women: Life Stories of Elderly Females in Taiwan
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 978-626-7341-71-1
Price / NTD 800
Pages / 531
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 978-626-7341-71-1
Price / NTD 800
Pages / 531
This oral history volume, originated from two oral history projects in 2010 and 2015, includes eight interviews with senior Taiwanese females and their families, conducted in Taiwanese between 2010 and 2023. The interviewees, six of whom are over 89 years old as of 2024 and two have since passed away in their 90s, reminisced about their families, childhoods, education, careers, and other experiences, making a great contribution to female studies in Taiwan. The volume also contains numerous images, such as photographs, manuscripts, certificates, news clippings, and school report cards, as well as biographical chronologies, simplified genealogies, and related historical materials.