Tuesday Lectures

The Development and Activities of the Espionage Section of the Taiwan Provincial Security Command during the 1950s

Tuesday Lecture

Speaker: Cheng-hui Lin (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)
Discussant: Tsui-lien Chen (Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University)
Moderator: Rwei-ren Wu (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)
Topic: The Development and Activities of the Espionage Section of the Taiwan Provincial Security Command during the 1950s (1950年代保安司令部諜報組的組織佈建與偵防行動)
Date and Time: Tuesday, January 26, 2021. 2 p.m.-4 p.m.
Place: Room 802 at ITH
Language: Chinese
Registration Form

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  1. Please register online in advance. Onsite Registration is not allowed.
  2. Please make sure to have your body temperature checked, use hand sanitizer, and wear a face mask before entering the meeting room.
  3. If you have a fever (forehead temperature ≥ 37.5°C) or other respiratory symptoms, please follow the instruction to leave the meeting room.
  4. Other pandemic related measures are subject to regulations adopted at Academia Sinica on the day of the event.