The new version of Taiwan Collectanea Search System has been revised in 2016. It collects Taiwan Collectanea which was edited and published by the Economic Research Office of Taiwan Bank from 1957 to 1972. It includes official records and individual discourse related to Taiwan since the Tang and Song dynasty. In addition, this database also contains the brief introduction of Taiwan Collectanea and Taiwan Prefecture Gazetteer edited by Jiang Yu-ying. There are 311 kinds of books and about 600 volumes with near 50 million words in the database.
Usage:The catalog and the full-text are open to the public. 。

This database was launched in 2004. Some of the digitized rare books belonged to the Library of Taiwan Government-General, Southern Archives, Taihoku Imperial University professors’ books, which were sold to National Taiwan Library, and some were collected by the Institute of Taiwan History. This database includes about 4,000 books, over 100 periodicals, and more than one million digital images.
Usage:The online catalog is open to the public. Readers can access the digital images after registering an account with a valid e-mail. Some of the rare books can be downloaded in a PDF format. 。

Taiwan Sotokufu Digital Archive stores the digitized Official Documents of Taiwan Government-General which was jointly cataloged by Taiwan Historica and Academia Sinica. Including permanent, fifteen-year, five-year and one year preserving categories, this database collects more than 12,000 volumes and 3.4 million pages of digital images.
Usage: In order to provide a convenient browsing environment, Taiwan Sotokufu Digital Archive has merged into Taiwan Archival Information System. Everyone is welcome to register an account and utilize the new database. Readers who need to browse Taiwan Sotokufu Digital Archive please contact the ITH Archives Reading Room. 。