New Publications

The Memories of White Terror: interviews with political victims and their families
Publication Date / 2020-07-09 Author / Yi-shen Chen and Chin-jung Tsao (eds.) Category / Oral History
The Memories of White Terror: interviews with political victims and their families
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica; National Human Rights Museum
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 978-986-5432-41-6
Price/ NTD 700
Pages / 729

This book was originally derived from the project of “Oral History Interviews of Members of Formosan Political Prisoners’ Association and Related People,” carried out during 2013 and 2014 by Taiwan Art-In Design & Construction Co., Ltd., under the commission of the Preparatory Office of National Human Rights Museum. In 2020, the Museum commissioned Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica for another project called “Editing and Publication of Oral History Materials Collected at National Human Rights Museum,” in which 29 interview records selected from the outcome of the aforementioned 2013-2014 project, with 480 thousand Chinese characters in total, were selected and edited into this book.
Centering on the “White Terror,” this book contains interviews with victims of political cases and their families. Many of the interviewees were interviewed for the first time and they were from different parts of Taiwan. The cases they involved were different and their age and language were of great variety. Their personal encounters and their knowledge and attitudes towards the cases were also distinctive. This book contributes not only more oral history materials to the world, but also a record during the process of Taiwan’s democratization process. In the process of transformative justice, we disclose these memories of suffering in the hope that the public will hear these various voices and strengthen their determination to pursue justice.