Publication Date / 2022-11-30
Author / Tsung-jen Chen
Category / Monograph
The Selden Map and Tn̂g-lâng: An Exploration of Geographical Knowledge and World Vision in East and Southeast Asia (1500-1620)
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
Price / NTD 650 (hardback)
This monograph is a study of “The Selden Map of China” housed at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, UK. The 1.5-meter-long and 1-meter-wide map covering China, Japan, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia has drawn much attention from scholars since its “rediscovery” in 2008. It is a map inherited the ornate style of Chinese maps with precision seen in Western maps. This book systematically analyzes the sources of knowledge that contributed to each part of the map. The author argues that the map was most likely created during the 1610s by people of Chinese descent (known as tn̂g-lâng) who lived in the Philippine Island, since the map reflects their world vision during the 17th century and was a product of the encounter and interaction of different parties on the waters of Southeast Asian from the 16th century on.