Other Events

Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone

Speech Event Hosted by the Comparative Austronesian Studies Research Group, Institute of Ethnology and Academia Sinica Integrated Indigenous Research Project

Event PosterSpeaker:
Tania Li (Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto)

Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone

Date and Time:
Monday, December 12, 2022. 2:00-4:00 p.m.

The 1st Conference Room (R323, the Old Wing) at Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica

Comparative Austronesian Studies Research Group, Institute of Ethnology

Academia Sinica Integrated Indigenous Research Project


(Registion closed early due to room capacity )

Please Note:
This is a face-to-face event. The registration is open until December 8, 2022 (Thursday) (now closed) . Onsite registration is not allowed. Attendees must wear face masks throughout the event.

Many studies have examined the loss of land, livelihoods and species diversity that occurs when corporate plantations occupy large areas of land and plant a single crop. Based on collaborate research in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, this ethnographic study explores the character of everyday life in a plantation zone where new subjects are formed, and new relations and practices set in place.
