
Oral History

Studying Taiwan Before American Anthropologists in Cold War Taiwan

Author / Derek Sheridan, Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang, Tseng Wen-liang (eds.)

Historical Source Material Series

The Trade Correspondence of Dadaocheng of Taipei: Chen Yuanshuan Firm Series, Vol. 1, 1901-1904

Author / Yu-ju Lin ed.

Oral History

Exploring the Infinity of Knowledge: Reminiscences of Mr. Fu-san Huang

Author / Yu-ju Lin, Pin-Tsang Tseng, Cheng-hui Lin

Historical Source Material Series

Collections of White Terror: Historical Materials of Secrets Bureau, Taiwan Branch, Volume 1-4

Author / Hsu, Hsueh-chi and Cheng-hui LIn (eds.)

Reference Book

Annual Bibliography of Taiwan History Research (2022)

Author / Tsung-jen Chen, Wen-kai Lin, Jungwon JIN, Cheng-hui Lin, Ya-wen Ku, Wei-Chi Chen and Douglas Fix

Historical Source Material Series

The Diaries of Chen Huai-cheng, Vol. 1-9 (1916-1926)

Author / Huai-cheng Chen, Hsueh-chi Hsu(ed.)

Historical Source Material Series

The Diaries of Ng Ong-seng, Vol. 1-24 (1912-1939)

Author / Ng Ong-seng; Hsueh-chi Hsu (ed.)

Oral History

Centennial Retrospective: Oral History of Taipei Third Girl’s High School Alumni

Author / Wen-Liang Tseng

Special Issue

In Full Sail: 30 Years of ITH

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Shu-min Chung (eds.)

Exhibition Catalog

100 Years of Taiwanese Voice, 30th Anniversary of ITH: An Exhibition of the Archives and Special Collections

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.)

Reference Book

World.Enlightenment.Taiwan: Centenary of Taiwanese Cultural Association

Author / Hsu, Hsueh-chi (ed.)

Historical Source Material Series

Our Ordeals: Notes on the Life of Yang Ke-huang and Hsieh Hsueh-hung, 1949-1977

Author / Tsui-hua Yang (Editor); Hsueh-chi Hsu (Verifier)


The Selden Map and Tn̂g-lâng: An Exploration of Geographical Knowledge and World Vision in East and Southeast Asia (1500-1620)

Author / Tsung-jen Chen

Historical Source Material Series

The Literary Works of Chhoa Chhiu-tong

Author / Chen, Shu-Jung (Edited) and Hsueh-chi Hsu (Verifier)

Historical Source Material Series

The Images of Chhoa Chhiu-tong Papers

Author / Chen, Shu-Jung (Edited) and Hsueh-chi Hsu (Verifier)

Historical Source Material Series

Kuo Meng-yang's Memory of his Son-in-law: Biography of Yeh Sheng-ji and Family Stories

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.)


Between Mountains and Seas: Treatises on the Early Taiwan History in the Early Modern Period

Author / Kaim Ang

Historical Source Material Series

Selected Diaries of Yoshioka Kisaburo, a Policeman of Taiwan Governor-General's Office

Author / by Yoshioka Kisaburo; Edited by Chung Shu-min

Historical Source Material Series

Thesis and Works of Yeh Sheng-ji

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.)

Historical Source Material Series

Manusript and Correspondence of Yeh Sheng-ji

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.)
