New Publications

People in Formosa - The First Archive Exhibition at the Academia Sinica South Campus: Exhibition Catalog
Publication Date / 2024-09-05 Author / Shu-min Chung, Li-chiao Wang, and Yi-ling Lee (eds.) Category / Exhibition Catalog
People in Formosa - The First Archive Exhibition at the Academia Sinica South Campus: Exhibition Catalog
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 978-626-7341-62-9
Price / NTD 600
Pages / 135

This exhibition catalog for “People in Formosa - The First Archive Exhibition at the Academia Sinica South Campus” includes images with descriptions presenting Taiwan’s unique cultural and historical context. Focusing on the multiple meanings of South and tropicality, the exhibition consists of three parts. The first part presents Taiwan as a crossroad for people with different purposes from all directions for the past 400 years. The second part shows how Taiwan’s geographical and climatic conditions contribute to its agricultural products. The last part revisits the influence of “the image of south” on music, art, and literature in Japanese Colonial Taiwan.
