Publication Date / 2024-12-30
Author / Ng Ong-seng; Hsueh-chi Hsu (ed.)
Category / Historical Source Material Series
The Diaries of Ng Ong-seng, Vol. 1-25 (1912-1942)
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica; National Chung Cheng University
Edition / First edition
Size / 25K
Price / [v.1-v.23] NTD 400 (hardback) ; NTD 350 (paperback)
[v.24 ] NTD 500 (hardback)
[v.24 ] NTD 500 (hardback)
[v.25~ ] NTD 700 (hardback)
This ongoing series contains the diary of Mr. Ng Ong-seng (1888-1979), best known as a public elementary school teacher and journalist and commentator based in Hsinchu, Taiwan during Japanese colonial period. His diary provides abundant historical materials on religious and folk events, clan history, entertainment history, reading notes, poetry society, chess games, etc.