電話:886-2-2652-5350 傳真:886-2-2788-1956 電郵:ectjliu@gate.sinica.edu.tw 個人網頁:http://idv.sinica.edu.tw/ectjliu/
個人著作全文請見 (個人網頁 http://idv.sinica.edu.tw/ectjliu/ )
- 美國哈佛大學遠東歷史與語言組博士
- 經濟史、人口史、環境史
- 學位論文
- Ts'ui-jung Liu. 1974, "Trade on the Han River and Its Impact on Economic Development," 289 pages, Program on History and East Asian Languages, Harvard University, Ph.D. Dissertation.
劉翠溶。1966,〈清初順治康熙年間的國用與收入〉,國立臺灣大學歷史學研究所碩士論文。 - 期刊論文
- Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2020, "Water Resource Utilization in Taiwan's Municipalities: A Comparative Perspective", Cultural and Religious Studies, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp.629-666. [PDF全文]
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2012, “Human Activities and Environmental Changes along Taiwan’s West Coast”, in Storia e futuro, No.29 (Giugno 2012). [PDF全文]
劉翠溶(松金公正譯), 2003/5,〈臺灣環境史研究:新たな視角をもとて〉,《日本臺灣學會報》第五號,頁176-195。
*Ts'ui-jung Liu and Shi-yung Liu, 1999/6(2000年9月出刊), "A Preliminary Study on Taiwan's Forest Reserves in the Japanese Colonial Period: A Legacy of Environmental Conservation," 《臺灣史研究》第6卷第1期,頁1-34。
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1991, "Rice Culture in South China, 1500-1900: Adjustment and limitation in Historical Perspective,"《國立臺灣大學歷史學系學報》16期,頁217-244。
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1986, "Agricultural Changes and Population Growth: A Brief Survey on the Case of China in Historical Perspective, " Academia Economic Papers, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 29-68.
*John C. H. Fei and Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1985, "The Agrarian Land Structure and Distribution: Preliminary Analysis on the Land Records of Kwangtung in the 1930's," Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 249-305.
*John C. H. Fei and Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1982, "The Growth and Decline of Chinese Family Clans," Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 375-408.
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1981/3, "The Demographic Dynamics of Some Clans in the Lower Yangtze Area, Ca. 1400-1900," Academia Economic Papers, Vol. 9, No.1, pp. 115-160.
*Ts'ui-jung Liu and John C. H. Fei, 1977/6, "An Analysis of the Land Tax Burden in China, 1650-1865," Journal of Economic History, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp.339-381.
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1970, "Dike Construction in Ching-chou," Papers on China, Vol.23, pp. 1-28.
*劉翠溶,1967,〈清初順治康熙年間減免賦稅的過程〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》第37本第2分,頁757-777。 - 學術會議論文(僅列尚未正式出版的學術會議論文)
- Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2017/10/27-30, “Practices of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction in Coastal southeast Mainland and Taiwan,” a keynote speech delivered at EAEH2017, Nankai University, Tianjin.
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2015/10/7, “Economic and Ecological Development: The Case of Xiamen since 1980”, Chuan Han-Sheng Lecture in 2015, University of Queensland and the University of Griffith, Australia. (將收入全漢昇先生講座論文集)
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2011/6/28-7/2, “Human Activities and Environmental Changes along Taiwan’s West Coast,” paper presented at Conference of European Society for Environmental History (ESEH2011), Turku, Finland. 25 pages.
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2009/10/8, “Disease and Environment: Implications of Clonorchiasis Infection in Taiwan and Mainland China,” paper presented at 2009 GIS and Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica. 45 pages with 8 maps.
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2009/8/4-8, “Disease and Environment: Implications of Clonorchiasis Infection in 20th-Century Taiwan and Mainland China,” poster presented at the First World Congress of Environmental History, Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmoe, Sweden.
劉翠溶,2004,〈臺灣環境承載力之探測—初步結果〉,中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處定期研討會(初稿2003/11/11),20頁+附表20; 清華大學永續發展與能源研究演講系列(二稿2004/4/21),23頁+附表20。(國內)
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2004/6/3-4, “Treatment of Industrial Waste: Lessons from Taiwan,” paper delivered at the International Conference on Technological Innovation and Development: Lessons from Taiwan, John f. Kennedy School of Government, HarvardUniversity. 19 pages. (國外)
Ts'ui-jung Liu. 2001/07, "Labor-intensive Industrialization: The Case of Taiwan," paper delivered at the Osaka Workshop on Labor-intensive Industrialization in Global History: Asian Experience and Comparative Perspective, December 18-19, 2000; Submitted to Session 25 of the International Congress of Economic History, Buenos Aires, July 22-26, 2001.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 2000/5/11, The Problem of Industrial Pollution in Taiwan,"Chuan Lyu Lectures, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 2000/5/9, "Regional Variation of Industrial Development in Taiwan," Chuan Lyu Lectures, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Ts'ui-jung Liu. 2000/3/26-27, "On the Function of Cooperative Granary in Taiwan, 1922-1942,"發表於「張漢裕教授紀念學術研討會」。
Ts'ui-jung Liu and Shi-yung Liu, 1999/3/11-14, "Nature Conservation in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule," the AAS 51st annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1997/1/13-15, "The Old Age in Ch'ing Society and Institutions: A Preliminary Study," Conference on Emerging Policy Issues on Aging in Asia and the Research Response, Taipei.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1984/8/17-23, "Demographic History of Intraregional and Interregional Economic change in China, 980-1980," The International Conference on Special and Temporal Trends and Cycles in Chinese Economic History, 980-1980, Bellagio, Italy,. - 專書(論文集)之一章
- Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2020, “From a Fertilizer Factory to a Business Park: A Case Study of the Archaeology Industry Located at Nangang District, Taipei City,” included in Federico Paulini (ed.), Industrial Labor and the Environment: Notes for a History of Global Transformation (Cambridge Scholarship Publishing, UK: 2020), Chapter V, pp. 123-152.
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2018, “Ecological Construction in Coastal southeast China”. In Ts'ui-jung Liu, Andrea Janku and David Pietz (eds.), Landscape Changes and Resources Utilization in East Asia, London: Routledge.
Ts’ui-jung Liu,2016/11, “Urbanization in Modern Yunnan from a Perspective of Environmental History”,收入陳慈玉主編,《承先啟後:王業鍵院士紀念論文集》(臺北市:萬卷樓),頁291-334。
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2013, "A Retrospection of Climate Changes and their Impacts in Chinese History”, in Carmen Meinert ed., Nature, Environment and Culture in East Asia, Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 107-136.
Ts’ui-jung Liu, 2010, “Determinants of Reconstruction After Major Earthquakes in Taiwan” in Satomi Kurosu, Tommy Bengtsson and Cameron Campbell (eds.), Demographic Responses to Economic and Environmental Crises, Kashiwa, Japan: Reitaku University, pp. 172-192.
劉翠溶,2006,〈院士的人口特徵:中央研究院與中國科學院的比較〉,收入劉翠溶主編,《四分溪論學集:慶祝李遠哲先生七十夀辰》(臺北:允晨文化),頁 279-328。
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 2002, "Regional Variation of Industrial Development in Taiwan: An Overview," 收於劉翠溶、石守謙主編,《經濟史、都市文化與物質文化 第三屆國際漢學會議論文集(歷史組)》(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所),頁225-264。
Ts’ui-jung Liu and Shi-yung Liu, 2001, “Disease and Mortality in the History of Taiwan,” in Ts’ui-jung Liu et al. (eds.), Asian Population History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 248-269.
劉翠溶,2001, “On the Function of Cooperative Granary in Taiwan, 1922-1942,” 《張漢裕教授紀念研討會論文集》(臺北:臺大經濟研究學術基金會),頁99-137。。
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1999, "Old Age in Ch'ing Society," in Chaonan Chen et al. (eds.), Emerging Social Economic Welfare Program for Aging in Taiwan in a World Context, pp. 17- 42, Taipei: Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.
*Liu Ts'ui-jung, 1998, "Han Migration and the Settlement of Taiwan: the Onset of Environmental Change", in Mark Elvin and Liu Ts'ui-jung (eds.), Sediments of Time: Environment and Society in Chinese History, pp. 165-199. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
*Liu Ts'ui-jung, 1995, "A Comparison of Lineage Populations in South China," in Stevan Harrell (ed.), Chinese Historical Micro-Demography, pp. 94-120. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.
*Liu Ts'ui-jung, 1995, "Demographic Constraint and Family Structure in Traditional Chinese Lineages, ca.1200-1900," in Stevan Harrell (ed.), Chinese Historical Micro-Demography, pp.121-140. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1993, "The Demography of Chinese Lineage Populations, 1300-1900," International Population Conference, Vol.4, pp.119-138. Montreal.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1992, "Formation and Function of Three Lineages in Hunan," 收於《近世家族與政治比較歷史論文集》(臺北:中央研究院近代史研究所),頁327-375。
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1990, "Demographic Aspects of Urbanization in the Lower Yangzi Region of China, c. 1500-1900," in Ad van der Woude, Jan de Vries and Akira Hayami (eds.), Urbanization in History: A Process of Dynamic Interactions, pp.328-351. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1990, "Features of Imperfect Competition of the Ming-Ch'ing Salt Market," in Yung-san Lee and Ts'ui-jung Liu (eds.), China's Market Economy in Transition, pp.259-327, Taipei: The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.
劉翠溶,1987,〈以廣東香山徐氏宗譜例為試論中國家族成長之過程及其功能發揮〉,《第三屆亞洲族譜學術研討會會議記錄》(臺北:聯合報文化基金會國學文獻館),頁369- 416。
Ts'ui-jung Lium 1985, "A Reappraisal of the Functions of the Granary System in Ch'ing China (1644-1911)," in Marceau Gast et al (eds)., Les techniques de conservation des grains a long terme, III, fasc 1, pp. 305-321. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
*Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1985, "The Demography of Two Chinese Clans in Hsiao-shan, Chekiang, 1650-1850," in Susan B. Hanley and Arhtur P. Wolf (eds.), Family and Population in East Asian History, pp.13-61. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1984, "The Problem of Food Supply in China, 1912-1927,"收於《中華民國初期歷史研討會論文集(1912-1927)》(臺北:中央研究院近代史研究所),頁657-673。
Ts'ui-jung Liu and John C. H. Fei, 1979, "Population Dynamics of Agrarianism in Traditional China," in C. M. Hou and T.S. Yu (eds.), Modern Chinese Economic History: Proceedings of the Conference on Modern Chinese Economic History, pp.23-53. Taipei: The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.
Ts'ui-jung Liu, 1978, "Chinese Genealogies as A Source for the Study of Historical Demography," in Studies and Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Academia Sinica(《中央研究院成立五十周年紀念論文集》第二輯人文社會科學)(臺北:中央研究院),頁849-870。 - 專書
- 劉翠溶,2019/9,《台灣環境史》(臺北市:國立臺灣大學出版中心)。
Ts'ui-jung Liu. 1980, Trade on the Han River and Its Impact on Economic Development, ca.1800-1911, Monograph Series, No. 16, 293 pages. Taipei: The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.
劉翠溶,1969,《順治康熙年間的財政平衡問題》(臺北:嘉新文化基金會),6+165頁。 - 主編之專書(論文集)
- *劉翠溶、畢以迪主編,2018,《東亞環境、現代化與發展:環境史的視野》(台北:允晨文化實業有限公司)。
*Ts’ui-jung Liu, Andrea Janku, and David Pietz (eds.), 2018, Landscape Changes and Resource Utilization in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History, (London: Routledge, 2018), xiii+224 pages.
*Ts’ui-jung Liu (ed.), 2016, Local Realities and Environmental Changes in the History of East Asia, (Abingdon and New York: Routledge), xi+209 pages, “Introduction” by Ts’ui-jung Liu, pp. 1-4..
Ts'ui-jung Liu and James Beattie (eds.), 2016, Environment, Modernization and Development in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History, 301 pages, London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ts’ui-jung Liu (ed.), 2014, Environmental History in East Asia: Interdisciplinary perspectives, xiv + 400 pages. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.“Introduction” by Ts’ui-jung Liu, pp. 1-10.
劉翠溶主編,2006,《四分溪論學集:慶李遠哲先生七十壽辰 上下冊》(臺北:允晨文化)。
劉翠溶、石守謙主編,2002,《經濟史、都市文化與物質文化 第三屆國際漢學會議論文集(歷史組)》(臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所)。
*Ts'ui-jung Liu et al. (eds.). 2001, Asian Population History, 451pages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
*Mark Elvin and Liu Ts'ui-jung (eds). 1998, Sediments of Time: Environment and Society in Chinese History, 820 pages. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
劉翠溶、伊懋可主編,1995,《積漸所至:中國環境史論文集 上下冊》(臺北:中央研究院經濟研究所),1192頁。
Yung-san Lee and Liu Ts'ui-jung (eds). 1990, China's Market Economy in Transition, 605 pages, Taipei: The Institute of Economics. Academia Sinica.
許倬雲、毛漢光、劉翠溶主編,1983,《第二屆中國社會經濟史研討會論文集》(臺北:漢學研究資料及服務中心),396頁。 - 學術書評
- 劉翠溶,2008,[評] Fight Famine in North China: State, Market, and Environmental Decline, 1690s-1990s. By Lillian M. Li 《中國文化研究學報》第四十八期,頁557-570。
Ts'ui-jung Liu. 2001, [review on] James A. Lee and Wang Feng, One Quarter of Humanity: Malthusian Mythology and Chinese Realities, 1700-2000 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1999), Population Studies, Vol. 55, Part 2, pp. 203-204.
劉翠溶。1998,[評] Richard von Glahn, Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996), 《新史學》,9卷3期,頁231-246。
Ts'ui-jung Liu. Spring 1993, [review on] Pierre-Etienne Will and R. Bin Wong, with the collaboration of James Lee, Peter C. Perdue and Jean C. Oi, Nourish the People. The State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650- 1850 (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan, Center for Chinese Studies,1991) , Etudes Chinoises, Vol. XII, No.1, pp. 188-190. - 資料彙編(含口述歷史)
- 劉翠溶、劉士永、陳美玲(訪談),劉翠溶、劉士永(整編,中譯)。2002,《蘭大弼醫生口述歷史》,Oral History of Dr. David Landsborough IV (中英對照本),Xxxix+309頁。臺北:中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處。