Publication Date / 2020-12-31
Author / Shu-ming Chung and Toshihiko Kishi (eds.)
Category / Historical Source Material Series
Picturing Taiwan: The Asahi Shimbun Press Photo Selections
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica;
Edition / First edition
Price / NTD 1000 (hardback)
Pages / 443
This book consists of 462 most valuable and unique historical photographs selected from the 1,126 Taiwan-related photographs kept in the Asahi Newspaper Stock-Photo Vault of Japan. These images are organized into five categories: (1) Politics and Foreign Affairs; (2) Culture, Education, and Health; (3) Industry and Economics; (4) Landscape and Folklore; (5) Indigenous Peoples. A complete list of the Taiwan-related photographs of the aforementioned photo archives is also included in the appendix. The book offers observations of a Japanese national newspapers on Colonial Taiwanese Society under Japanese Rule.