Publication Date / 2023-12-29
Author / Yu-ju Lin ed.
Category / Historical Source Material Series
The Trade Correspondence of Dadaocheng of Taipei: Chen Yuanshuan Firm Series, Vol. 1, 1901-1904
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
Price/ NTD 900
This compilation of documents contains correspondence between Chen Yuanshuan Firm in Dadaocheng of Taipei and Tai-yi Firm (or Tai-yi-hou) in Nagasaki, Japan during 1901-1904. Tai-yi Firm was a trading company set up in 1901 by Chen Faxing and Chen Shiwang, who were father and son originally from Kinmen. Chen Faxing had previously participated in the establishment of Tai-chang Firm, also an import-export firm in Nagasaki, in 1866. The documents were included in the Tai-yi-hou Papers of Nagasaki temporarily stored in the Archives of Institute of Taiwan History under the permission of Mr. Chen Dong-hua, a descendent of the Chen family.