New Publications

Selected Diaries of Yoshioka Kisaburo, a Policeman of Taiwan Governor-General's Office
Publication Date / 2022-01-31 Author / by Yoshioka Kisaburo; Edited by Chung Shu-min Category / Historical Source Material Series
Selected Diaries of Yoshioka Kisaburo, a Policeman of Taiwan Governor-General's Office
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition 
Price / NTD 400 (hardback)

This selection of diary entries of Yoshioka Kisaburo (1882-1967), a Japanese policeman in Taiwan during 1907-1931, reflects how Taiwan Governor-general’s office maintained social order through police force and the local Pao-chia system. It contains records regarding battles between the colonial government and Taiwan indigenous people during 1910-1915, Selai Temple Incident (Tapani Incident) in 1915, Taiwan’s social movements during 1920-1931, and Wushe Incident in 1930.
