Publication Date / 2022-12-30
Author / Tsui-hua Yang (Editor); Hsueh-chi Hsu (Verifier)
Category / Historical Source Material Series
Our Ordeals: Notes on the Life of Yang Ke-huang and Hsieh Hsueh-hung, 1949-1977
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 978-626-7002-89-6
Price / NTD 700
Pages / 571
This third volume of the series of Tears of a Taiwanese Soul depicts the later years of Hsieh Hsueh-hung and Yang Ke-huang, the two “old Taiwanese communists.” The source material contains copies of their responses to the countless instructions of Chinese Communist Party and their intended report to the CCP authority on episodes in their life written after being persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, as well as a testimony of the driver employed by the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, Lee Chi-liang, who got himself into trouble by defending Hsieh and Yang. The two were charged of playing up Taiwan’s uniqueness, ethnicity, and self-governance, and maintaining no Chinese traitors in Taiwan. Although they had avoided making similar remarks after arrived at the “liberated” China, in March and January 1949 separately, they could not get rid of the accusations until death. The infliction they suffered also reflects the situation faced by individuals, particularly the Taiwanese, in Chinese society at that time.