Publication Date / 2023-08-01
Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.)
Category / Exhibition Catalog
100 Years of Taiwanese Voice, 30th Anniversary of ITH: An Exhibition of the Archives and Special Collections
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 978-626-7341-26-1
Price / NTD 750
Pages / 207
2023 marks the centennial of the publication of Taiwan Minpao and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Taiwan History, Academic Sinica (hereafter “the ITH”). Both events were important steps of the process beginning with the birth of Taiwanese self-awareness that motivated many Taiwanese people to speak out for themselves and seek consensus with each other. In the 1920s, young intellectuals came to reflect on their personal conditions and were learned to admire freedom, equality, and human rights. Under such social atmosphere, Taiwan Minpao was born. After WWII, Taiwan witnessed tighter control on speech and thought, and not until the 1990s, studies on Taiwan history began to be recognized by the society and the academic circle. In 1993, the Presidential Office approved the setup of the preparation office of the ITH, which marked a milestone for the development of Taiwan history studies in Taiwan and the world. In 2004, the ITH was officially setup. To honor the achievement of the two creation, the ITH curated an exhibition on display from Aug. 15th to Dec. 10th, 2023. This exhibition catalog contains images and texts displayed in the exhibition, including newspapers, diaries, books, manuscripts, and photos.