Publication Date / 2023-02-14
Author / Hsu, Hsueh-chi (ed.)
Category / Reference Book
World.Enlightenment.Taiwan: Centenary of Taiwanese Cultural Association
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
Price/ NTD 1400 (Vol.1-2)
This 2-volume set contains 25 papers presented at the conference series “World.Enlightenment.Taiwan: Centenary of Taiwanese Cultural Association,” successively held in Taipei, Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Taichung during Oct. 14-21, 2021. The Taiwanese Cultural Association, set up in Oct. 1921, has been considered a leading force promoting cultural enlightenment and anti-colonial movements. Papers selected for these volumes were divided into 6 themes: “Discourse of Enlightenment and Cultural Activities,” “Colonial Rule, Left-wing Politics, and Farmers’ and Workers’ Movements,” “Economy of the Colony and Environmental Changes,” “The Discovery and Imagination of ‘Mountain Brothers,’” “Local Branch and Regional Features,” “Discourse of ‘Cultural Elevation’ and Farmers’ Movements and Left-wing Youths.”