Publication Date / 2023-12-29
Author / Yu-ju Lin, Pin-Tsang Tseng, Cheng-hui Lin
Category / Oral History
Exploring the Infinity of Knowledge: Reminiscences of Mr. Fu-san Huang
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
Price/ NTD 800
This oral history interview with Mr. Fu-san Huang, a historian on Taiwan history, covers his early life, career, and significant events that changed his life and political attitudes. Mr. Huang used to lecture on Taiwan history courses in Department of History at National Taiwan University, is now an adjunct research fellow of Institute of Taiwan History at Academia Sinica after his retirement in 2010 from the same institute. The book also contains a chronology of Mr. Huang’s life, a bibliography of his publications, and a list of dissertations he supervised.