Research Groups Events

From Periphery to Center in Science: ‘Far Eastern Storm’ Study in Imperial Japan

Environmental History Group Lecture

lecture poster for "From Periphery to Center in Science: ‘Far Eastern Storm’ Study in Imperial Japan"Speaker:
Takuya Miyagawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Environmental Studies, Hiroshima Shudo University; Visiting Scholar, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica )

From Periphery to Center in Science: ‘Far Eastern Storm’ Study in Imperial Japan

Marlon Zhu (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)

Shuntaro Tsuru (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)

Date and Time:
Monday, December 16, 2024 (Mon.). 10:30-12:30 (Admission starting at 10:00)

Room 802 at ITH 

Lecture will be given in English, Q&A in Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean

Click Here to Register

Please Note:

  1. To register, please fill out the registration form by December 12 (Thur.) A confirmation email will be emailed to you. Please feel free to contact Mr. Lee if there is any question. E-mail:
  2. The lecture is a face-to-face only event (room capacity: 50 persons).
  3. Participants can apply for a two-hour “Certificate for Environmental Education.” Collection Method: (1) The certificate will be distributed on the spot. Participants from organizations other than the Academia Sinica are not required to sign but must complete the registration process at their own organizations. (2) Members of the Academia Sinica must provide their signature and the ITH administration office will take care of the registration.
  4. Lunch will be provided. Please choose your meal type (vegetarian, non-vegetarian, or no meal) on the registration form.

