New Publications

Farmers’ Stories (1): Oral Histories of Rural Society and Culture in Taiwan
Publication Date / 2020-06-19 Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu (ed.) Category / Oral History
Farmers’ Stories (1): Oral Histories of Rural Society and Culture in Taiwan
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica; Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 9789865432386
Price/ NTD 500
Pages / 480

This oral history book records 20 different groups of people’s life experiences in rural Taiwan. In addition to men and women in farming, fishing, animal husbandry, the interviewees also include village heads, owners of rice mills and grocery stores, Indigenous hunters, and elderly broom-tiers. This book records the transformation of contemporary Taiwan’s farming and rural life patterns, as well as the challenges and hopes faced by the countryside, showing the diverse faces of rural Taiwan in the changing times.
