New Publications

Historical Source Material Series

Tears of a Taiwanese Soul (I) Memory of My Early Days: Oral History of Hsieh Hsueh-hung

Author / Yang, Ke-huang (Transcriber); Tsui-hua Yang (Editor); Hsueh-chi Hsu (Verifier)

Historical Source Material Series

Tears of a Taiwanese Soul (II) Reminiscences of Yang Ke-huang

Author / Yang, Tsui-hua (Complier); Hsueh-chi Hsu (Verifier)

Reference Book

Rethinking Japanese Colonial Rule from Taiwan and Korea

Author / Jungwon Jin (ed.)

Oral History

Farmers’ Stories (3): Oral Histories of Rural Society and Culture in Taiwan

Author / Ya-wen Ku (ed.)

Special Issue

Archives Collection and Digital Systems

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.)

Oral History

The Reminiscences of Mrs. Chen Tso-tso

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu

Reference Book

Annual Bibliography of Taiwan History Research (2020)

Author / Shu-min Chung, Wen-kai Lin, Jungwon JIN, Wen-Liang Tseng, Wei-chung Cheng and Douglas Fix

Historical Source Material Series

Studies of Gazetteers in Taiwan (1999-2000)

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu (ed.)

Historical Source Material Series

Picturing Taiwan: The Asahi Shimbun Press Photo Selections

Author / Shu-ming Chung and Toshihiko Kishi (eds.)

Historical Source Material Series

The Diary of Kuo Shu-tsu, vol 1-2 (1944-1953)

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-Chiao Wang (eds.)

Oral History

Farmers’ Stories (2): Oral Histories of Rural Society and Culture in Taiwan

Author / Jen-tzu Huang (ed.)


Taiwan Sports History: Japanese Colonial Period, Vol.1-2

Author / Mei-Chun Lin ed.

Reference Book

Annual Bibliography of Taiwan History Research (2019)

Author / Li-wan Hunag, Rwei-ren Wu, Li-Yung Lee, Tsung-jen Chen, Wei-chung Cheng, Douglas Fix


Taiwanese in Nanyo during the Japanese Colonial Period

Author / Chung, Shu-min

Oral History

Bearing Family Calamity: the Chang Family of Putsu under the White Terror

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-chu Yang (eds.)

Oral History

Recollecting Sufferings of the Elders: White Terror in the Memories of the Bereaved Families

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu and Li-chu Yang (eds.)

Oral History

The Memories of White Terror: interviews with political victims and their families

Author / Yi-shen Chen and Chin-jung Tsao (eds.)

Oral History

Through the White Mist: interviews on political cases in 1950s

Author / Hua-yuan Hsueh (ed.)

Oral History

Through the White Gloom: interviews on political cases in 1960s and 1970s

Author / Hua-yuan Hsueh (ed.)

Oral History

Farmers’ Stories (1): Oral Histories of Rural Society and Culture in Taiwan

Author / Hsueh-chi Hsu (ed.)
