
Memories of Two Cities: An Oral History of Life in Tainan and Taipei
Publication Date / 2018-12-31 Author / Yu-ju Lin (Interviewer); Kian-teng Lim (Recorder) Category / Oral History
Memories of Two Cities: An Oral History of Life in Tainan and Taipei
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition 
ISBN / 9789860579673 (hardback)
Price/ NTD 500
Pages / 387

This oral history work includes interviews of eight Taiwanese elders about their experiences of living in the city of Tainan or Taipei. It covers aspects such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, recreations, and festivals during Japanese rule and early post-war years. The book records the interviews from first-person perspective, by which it preserves the elders’ mix use of Taiwanese, Japanese, and Mandarin, as well as terms and jargons relating to vanishing traditional skills.
