Publication Date / 2016-10-01
Author / Hao-jen, Wu(Edited)、Makiko Okamoto(Japanese Edited)
Category / Historical Source Material Series
The Preliminary Hearing Records of the Peace Act Incident, 1924
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 9789860490275
Hardback NTD 600
Edition / First edition
ISBN / 9789860490275
Hardback NTD 600
This important record on the 1924 Peace Act Incident includes Japanese transcript and Chinese translation of the preliminary hearing. The incident, occurred in December 1923 in Taiwan, involved a mass arrest of political activists violating the Public Security Police Act. Prior to the discovery of these records, there were few relevant first-hand materials available other than the verdicts of the first and second trials and some related news reports.