Publication Date / 2021-12-31
Author / Jungwon Jin (ed.)
Category / Reference Book
Rethinking Japanese Colonial Rule from Taiwan and Korea
Publisher / Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica
Edition / First edition
Price / NTD 500
ISBN / 978-626-7002-51-3
Pages / 345
This proceedings volume contains 9 papers by Korean and Taiwanese scholars on Japanese colonial rule. The first part looks into changes of Korean and Taiwanese family rules and women status through family laws introduced by the Japanese colonial government. The second part focuses on the process of Japanese colonial intervention and resistance to the process. The last part deals with issues that take places outside Korea and Taiwan, including experiences of people in Manchuria and South East Asia in late Japanese colonial period and treatment of war criminals after WWII.
Part I. Family and Gender under Colonial Rule
- Same-Surname-Same-Origin Marriage Ban as an “Invented Tradition” and Colonial Politics (by Hyunsoog So)
- “Parental Authority” for Whom and for What: Parental Authority Legislation and Family Politics in Colonial Korea (by Yang-hee Hong)
- Reform of Taiwanese Family Customs and Women’s Legal Status Under Japanese Rule (by Wen-liang Tseng)
Part II. Importation and Resistance of Colonial Practices
- “Compressed Time” and Fanaticism: Thoughts on March First Independence Movement (by Hae-dong Yun)
- Elementary School Students’ Strikes in Japanese Colonial Korea in 1920s (by Chan-seung Park)
- Education and Professional Background of Public Elementary School Teachers: Analysis of Teachers’ Resumes at Xing-zhi Public Elementary School (1898-1920) (by Pei-hsien Hsu)
Part III. Expansion and Extension of Colonial Rule
- Korean Women and Labor Mobilization toward Midwest Pacific (Nanyogundo) in Late Japanese Colonial Period (by Hye-kyung Jung)
- Rescue of Taiwanese Class B/C War Criminals after WWII. (by Shu-min Chung)
- Census Registration and “Protection Facilities for Koreans” in Manchuria under Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Relationship between Nationality and Nation-states as Viewed by Manchurian Koreans (by Michael Kim)