- Ph.D./ School of Culture, History and Language - Program in Anthropology, The Australian National University
- Master/ Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University
Selected Publications
- Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2012. Engendering Knowledge: A Study of Han Taiwanese Pregnancy Cultures Surrounding Home Delivery. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Culture, History and Language/Program in Anthropology. The Australian National University, Canberra.
宋錦秀. 1986. Lanyang diqu kuileixi de chusha yishi: yi ge zongjiao renleixue de yanjiu 蘭陽地區傀儡戲的除煞儀式:一個宗教人類學的研究 (Puppet Exorcism Rituals in Lanyang Region: A Study in Religious Anthropology). M.A. thesis. Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University. Taipei. - JOURNAL ARTICLES
- *Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2012 (forthcoming). Authority, Practice and History: The Adoption and Re-creation of Yaoqian in Taiwan. Taiwan Historical Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi yanjiu 中央研究院臺灣史研究) (Refereed)
*宋錦秀. 2011. Simiao yaoqian liaoyu wenhua yu jibing de jiangou 寺廟藥籤療癒文化與「疾病」的建構 (The Construction of Healing Power and Illness: A Study of Prescription Divination ‘Yaoqian’). Taiwan Wenxian: Report of Historico-Geographical Studies of Taiwan (Taiwan wenxian 臺灣文獻) (special issue on Folk Religion and Healing) 62 (1): 55-96. (Refereed)
*宋錦秀. 2000. Renshen antai ji renshen yuzhouguan: xingbie yu wenhua de guandian 妊娠、安胎暨「妊娠宇宙觀」:性別與文化的觀點 (The Concept of Pregnancy, Foetus-Calming, and Taiwanese Cosmology: A Perspective from Gender and Culture). Taiwan Historical Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi yanjiu 中央研究院臺灣史研究) 7 (2): 117-162. (Refereed)
宋錦秀. 1999a. Furen taichan yansheng zonglun 婦人胎產厭勝縱論 (A Historical Account of Rites of Oppression for Women’s Pregnancy and Delivery). Historical Monthly (Lishi yuekan 歷史月刊) (special issue on Exorcistic Magic and Belief) 132: 59-66.
*宋錦秀. 1999b. Taiwan simiao yaoqian huibian: Yilan yiyaoshen de xitong 臺灣寺廟藥籤彙編:宜蘭「醫藥神」的系統 (Collections of Bamboo Divination Slip Prescriptions from Taiwan Temples: The System of ‘Medical Gods’ in Yilan County). Ilan Wenxian (Yilan wenxian 宜蘭文獻) (special issue on Bamboo Divination Slip Prescriptions and Folk Medicine) 37: 3-46. (Refereed)
*宋錦秀. 1997. Gudian renshen yishu zhong de antai, yangtai, yu bisha 古典妊娠醫書中的「安胎」、「養胎」與「辟殺」(Foetus-Calming, Foetus-Nurturing, and Exorcism in the Medical Gestation Texts of Middle China). Journal of Women and Gender Studies (Funü yu liangxing xuekan 婦女與兩性學刊) 8: 77-113. Reprinted the same year in special issue on Women and Religion in Thought and Words: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (si yu yan 思與言) 35 (2): 133-185. (Refereed)
*宋錦秀. 1996a. Jiaqing yiqian sandiao yanliao diyushi de jiangou 嘉慶以前三貂鹽寮地域史的建構 (Reconstructing the Local History of the Sandiao-Yenliao Area Prior to the 18th Century). Taiwan Historical Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi yanjiu 中央研究院臺灣史研究) 3 (1) : 97-142. (Refereed)
*宋錦秀. 1996b. Taiwan chuantong antai ji taishen de guannian 臺灣傳統安胎暨「胎神」的觀念 (Foetus-Calming and the Perception of ‘Foetal Spirit’ in the Traditional Taiwan). Taiwan Historical Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi yanjiu 中央研究院臺灣史研究) 3 (2): 143-193. (Refereed)
*宋錦秀. 1991. Riju moqi Yanliao diqu juluo gaishuo: Jianshu Sandiao Tianliaoyang yidai de pingpuren 日據末期鹽寮地區聚落概說:兼述三貂田寮洋一帶的平埔人 (An Introduction to Villages on Yenliao Area during Late in the Japanese Colonial Era: With Further Statements on Plain Aboriginal in the Sandiao-Tianliaoyan Region). Newsletter of Taiwan History Field Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi tianye yanjiu tongxun 中央研究院臺灣史田野研究通訊) 21: 64-77.
宋錦秀. 1990a. Guanyu kuileixi de chusha yishi yongfu: Jieshi yu shuoming 關於傀儡戲的除煞儀式用符:解釋與說明 (Concerning Exorcistic Puppet Charms: Interpretations and Explanations). Newsletter of Taiwan History Field Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi tianye yanjiu tongxun 中央研究院臺灣史田野研究通訊) 15: 19-32.
宋錦秀. 1990b. ‘Lunli xuanyan’: Meiguo renleixuehui guanyu tianye gongzuo de jixiang zeren zhunze 「倫理宣言」: 美國人類學會關於田野工作的幾項責任準則 (Statements on Ethics: Principles of Professional Responsibility in Fieldwork Research of the American Anthropological Association). Newsletter of Taiwan History Field Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi tianye yanjiu tongxun 中央研究院臺灣史田野研究通訊) 17: 42-46.
宋錦秀. 1989. Thick Description: You minzuzhi tianye gongzuo dao chanshi renleixue 由民族誌田野工作到闡釋人類學 (Thick Description: From Ethnography to Interpretative Anthropology). Newsletter of Taiwan History Field Research (Zhongyang yanjiu yuan Taiwan shi tianye yanjiu tongxun 中央研究院臺灣史田野研究通訊) 13: 40-44.
*宋錦秀. 1988. Kuileixi jidian yishi zhi yanjiu: Jianshuo lanyang diqu kuileixi de chusha yishi 傀儡戲祭典儀式之演出:簡說蘭陽地區傀儡戲的除煞儀式 (Puppet Performances as Ritual Dramas: An Introduction to the Exorcistic Puppetry in Lanyang Region). Taiwan Wenxian: Report of Historico-Geographical Studies of Taiwan (Taiwan wenxian 臺灣文獻) 39 (4): 43-60. (Refereed) - UNPUBLISHED CONFERENCE PAPERS
- Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2010. Women and Space: Mapping Pregnancy and Childbirth from Taiwanese Cosmology. Paper presented at University of Melbourne International Conference on Taiwan Studies ‘Spatial Cultures and Cultural Spaces in Taiwan: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives’ co-organized by Asia Institute and the Melbourne University Taiwan Research Reading Group, 9th–10th December, 2010. Melbourne, Australia.
Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2008. Midwifery Practice in Taiwan under Medical Pluralism: A Cultural-Historical Perspective. Paper presented at the 9th International Women in Asia Conference co-organized by Asian Studies Association of Australia and the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, 29th September -1st October, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2007a. Temperament, Morality, and Disorders: Illnesses in Han Taiwanese Practice of Yaoqian. Paper presented at the 17th New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference co-organized by NZASIA and the University of Otago, 22nd–25th November 2007. Dunedin, New Zealand.
宋錦秀. 2007b. Qianbu wenbing de wenhua liaoyu 籤卜問病的文化療癒 (Divination and Cultural Healing). Paper Presented at Conference on Engendering Indigenous Cultural and Mental Healing in Taiwan (Wenhua ji xinli liaoyu de bentuhua shengcheng 文化及心理療癒的本土化生成) co-organized by the Institute of Ethnology & Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, Taipei, and the Institute of Religion and Cultural Studies, Tzu Chi University, Hualian, 7 th-8th December 2007. Taipei, Taiwan.
Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2005a. The Power of Dis/order: Gender Speciality in the Local Medicine of Birth. Paper presented at Eighth Biennial Women in Asia Conference co-organized by Women’s Caucus of the Asian Studies Association of Australia and the University of Technology, Sydney, 26th–28th September 2005. Sydney, Australia.
Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2005b. The Power of Dis/order: Gendered Hierarchy and Cosmology in Taiwanese Birth. Paper presented at Gender Relations Centre (Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies) and Gender, Sexuality, and Culture (School of Humanities) co-organized Gender, Sexuality, and Culture Seminar Series, 6th October 2005. The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
宋錦秀. 2003. Taiwan simiao yaoqian zhi xitong leixing yu jibing wenhua: Yi Lüdi xianfang wenben wei zhongxin 臺灣寺廟藥籤之系統類型與疾病文化:以《呂帝仙方》文本為中心 (Lineages of Taiwanese Prescription Divinations and the Culture of Illness: With a Focus on Efficacious Prescription Divinations from Lüdi). Paper Presented at Conference on Divination and Healing (Zhanbu yu yiliao 占卜與醫療) organised by the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 29th August 2003. Taipei, Taiwan.
Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2002. Cultural Constructions of Gender and Illness: Discourses and Rituals of Traditional Pregnancy Cultures in Taiwan. Paper presented at Gender Relations Centre (Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies) and Women’s Studies (Faculty of Arts) co-organized Gender, Sexuality, and Culture Seminar Series. 8th August 2002. The National Australian University, Canberra, Australia.
宋錦秀. 1996. Gudian renshen lunshu zhong de yangtai yu bisha: Jianji Taiwan de bijiao yanjiu 古典妊娠論述中的「養胎」與「辟殺」:兼及臺灣的比較研究 (Foetus-Nurturing and Exorcism in Medieval China Discourse: With Comparisons from Taiwan Case Studies). Paper Presented at Conference on Women and Religion (Funü yu zongjiao 婦女與宗教) organised by the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, October 1996. Taipei, Taiwan. - WORKING PAPERS, OCCASIONAL PAPERS
- Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2007. Practice, Local Knowledge, and Cultural Healing: Perspectives on Yaoqian Research. Paper Presented at Institute of Taiwan History Lecture Series, 18th December 2007. Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
宋錦秀. 2002a. Chuantong renshen wenhua zhong de funü 傳統妊娠文化中的婦女 (Han Taiwanese Women in Pregnancy Cultures). Gender Equity Education (Liangxing pingdeng jiaoyu jikan 兩性平等教育季刊) (special issue on Gender, Folklore, and Religion) 18: 67-73. Taipei: The Ministry of Education.
宋錦秀. 2002b. Xingbie yu jibing de wenhua jiangou: Chuantong renshen wenhua yanjiu chuyi 性別與疾病的文化建構:傳統妊娠文化研究芻議 (Cultural Construction of Gender and Illness: A Primary Discussion on Taiwanese Pregnancy Cultures). Paper Presented at Religion and Healing (Zongjiao yu yiliao 宗教與醫療) Program Project Seminar Series organised by the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
宋錦秀. 1998a. Funü, jibing yu wenhua: yi Taiwan simiao nüke yaoqian wei li 婦女、疾病與文化:以臺灣寺廟女科藥籤為例 (Women, Illness, and Culture: A Case of Gynaecological Prescriptions on Bamboo Divination Slips from Taiwan Temples). Paper Presented at the Baosheng Cultural and Educational Foundation Lecture Series ‘Health, Medicine, and Belief’ (Jiankang yiliao yu xinyang 健康、醫療與信仰). September 1998. Taipei.
宋錦秀. 1998b. Taiwan de yiyao shen xinyang 臺灣的「醫藥神」信仰 (Beliefs in the Gods of Medicine in Taiwan). Cultural Windows (Wenhua shichuang 文化視窗) (special issue on Folk Religion in Taiwan) 5: 44-52. Nantou County: Cultural Affairs Department, Taiwan Provincial Government.
Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 1998c. From ‘Cultural Constructions’ to ‘Symbols of Women’: A Critical Appraisal of Women’s Studies in Anthropology (From ‘Cultural Constructions’ to ‘Symbols of Women’: Renleixue funü yanjiu pingxi). Paper Presented at the Research Group on Cultural History, Preparatory Office, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica ‘Seminars on Cultural History.’ November 1998. Taipei. - CHAPTERS IN EDITED VOLUMES
- *宋錦秀. 2002a. Celüe qingjing yu lunli: Funüshi ‘koushu lishi’ yanjiu de jidian quancha 策略、情境與倫理:婦女史「口述歷史」研究的幾點觀察 (Strategy, Situation, and Ethic in Fieldwork Interviews). In Jianmin You ed., Qingting tamen de shengyin: Nüxing koushu lishi de fangfa yu koushu shiliao de yunyong (傾聽她們的聲音:女性口述歷史的方法及口述史料的運用), pp. 135-158. Taipei: Zuoan Publishing Ins. Rewritten from Yibu Taichung funüshi de jiangou: Jianlun funüshi ‘koushu lishi’ yanjiu de jidian quancha 一部臺中婦女史的建構:兼論婦女史「口述歷史」研究的幾點觀察 (Reconstructing Women’s History in Taichung County: With Additional Comments on the Research of ‘Oral History’ for Her/story). In Jin-shiu Jessie Sung ed., 2000, Rizhu Taichung funü de shenghuo 日治臺中婦女的生活 (The Daily Lives of Women in Taichung County in the Japanese Colonial Era), pp. 1-22. Fengyuan, Taichung County: Taichung County Cultural Centre. (Refereed)
*宋錦秀. 2002b. Zongjiao lisu pian 宗教禮俗篇 (The 10th Volume: Religion, Rite, and Custom in Rural Waipu Area). In Shengyan Zhang ed., Waipu xiagzhi 外埔鄉志 (Local Monograph on Rural Waipu Area), pp. 703-782. Taichung County: Branch of Central Taiwan, Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan; Waipu Administrative Division. (Referred) - MONOGRAPHS
- *宋錦秀. 1994. Kuilei, chusha yu xiangzheng 傀儡、除煞與象徵 (Puppetry, Exorcism, and Symbols). Taiwan Local Knowledge Monograph Series (Taiwan Minjian zhishi congshu xilie臺灣民間知識叢書系列) 4. Taipei: Daoxiang Publishing Ins. (Refereed)
- Research Reports
- 宋錦秀. 2005. Xingbie jibing yu wenhua: chuantong Taiwan furen taichan jibing yu suibing yanjiu 性別、疾病與文化:傳統臺灣婦人胎產疾病與祟病研究 (Project Report on Gender, Illness, and Culture: ‘Disorders’ in Pregnancy and Delivery in Traditional Taiwan). The branch of Religion and Healing (Zongjiao yu yiliao 宗教與醫療) Program Project. Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
宋錦秀. 1999. Chuantong funü renchen yishi yanjiu: Yi antai, songlauhe wei chungxin 傳統婦女妊娠儀式研究:以「安胎」、「送流蝦」為中心 (Project Report on Traditional Pregnancy Rituals: With a Focus on antai and songlauhe) (NSC88-2412-H-001-004). Taipei: National Science Council, Executive Yuan.
宋錦秀. 1989 (with Professor Lei Shi). Yanliao diqu fujin lushang zhi shengtai diaocha yanjiu: Shehui renwen bufen 鹽寮地區附近陸上之生態調查研究:社會人文部份 (Environmental, Ecological, Archaeological and Cultural Studies on Yenliao Area: Socio-Cultural Section). National Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment Monograph Series 73. Taipei: National Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, Academia Sinica.
宋錦秀. 1988 (with Professor Bin-xiong Liu). Yushan guojia gongyuan Bunong zu renleixue yanjiu baogao 玉山國家公園布農族人類學研究報告 (Research Report on Anthropological Research on the Aboriginal Bunun in the Yushan National Park District). Yushan National Park Monograph Series 1001. Nantou County: Bureau of Yushan National Park, Construction and Planning Administration, Ministry of the Interior. - COMPILATIONS
- *宋錦秀. 2000. Rizhu Taichung funü de shenghuo 日治臺中婦女的生活 (The Daily Lives of Women in Taichung County in the Japanese Colonial Era). Oral History of Taichung County Monograph Series (Chungxian koushu lishi congshu中縣口述歷史叢書) 6. Fengyuan, Taichung County: Taichung County Cultural Center. (Refereed)