
Wei-chung Cheng Associate Research Fellow and Deputy Director
TEL:886-2-2652-5362 FAX:886-2-2788-1956 E-mail:weichungcheng@gate.sinica.edu.tw
  • Phd, Department of History, University Leiden.
Selected Publications
Thesis & Dissertation

Weichung Cheng, 2012, “War, Trade and Piracy in the China Seas (1622-1683)”, 524 pages, History, Leiden University.

Journal Article
  1. Weichung Cheng, 2021, “The Chinese Tea Exports via Taiwan by the VOC (1642-1660):A Prelude to European Tea Consumption in the Eighteen Century”, Taiwan Historical Research, 28:2, 1-48. (TSSCI)
  2. 鄭維中,2021,〈荷蘭東印度公司人員在臺灣周邊海域的水文調查活動(1636-1668)〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,33:1, 35-79。(TSSCI)
  3. Weichung Cheng, 2018, “Linking the Visible Cities: The Chinese Junks Sailing between Nagasaki and Batavia (1665-1719)”(串連「看得見的城市」︰長崎 -巴達維亞航線上的唐船貿易(1665-1719)), 臺大歷史學報, 61, 289-340.. (THCI)
  4. 鄭維中,2018,〈烏魚、土魠、虱目魚:多元脈絡下荷治至清領初期臺灣三種特色海產的確立〉(Mullet, Narrow-Barred Spanish Mackerel and Milk-Fish: Multiple Contextual Developments of Three Certified Sea-Food Specialities in Taiwan, from the Dutch Period to the Initial Years of Qing Rule),《臺灣史研究》,第25卷第2
  5. Weichung Cheng, 2018, “Putchock of India and Radix China: Herbal Exchange around Maritime Asia via the VOC during the 17th and 18th Centuries”(印度木香與土伏苓:17至18世紀荷蘭東印度公司的亞洲海域香藥貿易), Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 30(1), 75-117. (TSSCI)
  6. Weichung Cheng, 2017, “The Dutch Deserter Hugo Rozijn and His Activities in the East Asian Waters during the Ming-Qing Transition”(明清鼎革之際投鄭荷兵雨果‧羅珊事略), Crossroads- Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, 16, 141-160.
  7. Weichung Cheng, 2017, “Emergence of Deerskin Exports from Taiwan under the VOC (1624-1642)”(荷蘭東印度公司(VOC)經營臺灣鹿皮出口貿易的緣起(1624-1642)), Taiwan Historical Research, 24:(3), 1-48. (THCI)
  8. 鄭維中,2016,〈明清鼎革之際投鄭荷兵雨果‧羅珊事略〉(The Dutch Deserter Hugo Rozijn and his Activities in East Asian Waters during the Ming-Qing Conquest),《海洋史研究》,第9卷,頁230-246。
    Book Chapter
      Proceeding Paper
        Other Paper
          Collections (including Oral History)
            Book Review